Monday 27 February 2012


                        “In creating positive generations towards well-developed society

We are all aware that the situation of our society today can be said to be in critical condition. Many problems occur, especially among teenagers such as sex, rempit, smoking, drug abuse and more. More troubling, these problems began to spread among young children in which some of them still in grammar school.

In addition, we can see the increase in the Care Centre and Home for Aged. This is also part of the problems we care about. Young people no longer accept responsibility for the care and love their parents. Picture of how our society the next ten years if no action done? We also strive to help people physically challenged (disabled) with the strength ALLAH has given, Insyaallah.

Looking at these challenges, we need to put our primary mission to help and serve the community with ways of communicating and sharing knowledge with the community to reduce these problems. In addition, G.I.V.E. is the abbreviation of our mission which means:

G uide
I nspire
V olunteer
E xcellent

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